Cryptography Cheat Sheet for Developers
This is just a quick reference of cryptography, for developers just be able to tell when and how to use what. Click the reference links(and links there(and links there…)) to read to chase the raddit.
RULE No.1 of cryptography: DO NOT implement or invent new cipher yourself!!!
Haskell is chosen as programming language for examples since it is concise, interactive, typesafe and cryptonite!
actually Haskell is chosen because I learnt most of the content in this article while implementing age
in Haskell for my new experimental project PR welcome btw :)
The Sheet
Variants/Schemes | ||
Encoding/Format | Base | Base16 Base32 Base64 |
PEM | ||
Hash | MD5 | |
SHA | SHA1 SHA2 SHA3 | |
BLAKE2 | Blake2b Black2s | |
MAC | HMAC | |
Poly1305 | ||
KDF | PBKDF2 | |
HKDF | ||
Bcrypt | ||
Scrypt | ||
Symetric | AES | AES-GCM AES-GCM-SIV |
ChaCha20 | ChaCha20-Poly1305 | |
Asymetric | ECC | ECDSA EdDSA ECDH X25519 Ed25519 |
All you need is just nix!
All codes in examples are executable in interative repl GHCi.
Please run the following to get into GHCi and config it correctly before trying any example.
nix-shell -p "haskellPackages.ghcWithPackages (pkgs: [ pkgs.cryptonite pkgs.memory ])" --run ghci GHCi, version 9.0.2: :? for help ghci> :set -XOverloadedStrings ghci> import Data.ByteString
CLI will be used in few examples as well.
Encoding is not Encryption!!! It is just converting bytes from one format to another, for purposes like easier to store, transit etc. Although it looks scrambled, any one can convert it back and forth.
Most developers are very familiar with base64
ghci> import Data.ByteArray.Encoding ghci> convertToBase Base64 ("hello world" :: ByteString) :: ByteString "aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" ghci> convertFromBase Base64 ("aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ=" :: ByteString) :: Either String ByteString Right "hello world" ghci> convertToBase Base16 ("hello world" :: ByteString) :: ByteString "68656c6c6f20776f726c64" ghci> convertFromBase Base16 ("68656c6c6f20776f726c64" :: ByteString) :: Either String ByteString Right "hello world"
The number 64 or 16 indicates how large the alphabets table is. The larger the table, usually the shorter encoded message.
For instance base64 has 64 alphabets(actually 63, =
is for padding), hence each alphabet can describe 2^6 aka 6bit.
base16 is basically just hex since one alphabet map to 2^4(4bit) using US-ASCII.
The following example of base64 data from message "hel"
Input: h e l Hex: 6 8 6 5 6 c 8-bit: 01101000 01100101 01101100 6-bit: 011010 000110 010101 1101100 Decimal: 26 6 21 44 Output: a G V s
Privacy-Enhanced Mail(PEM)
PEM is baseline format for most of the public key encryption, which contains
- Boundary
- Headers
- Body
Example PEM:
-----BEGIN PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE----- Proc-Type: 4,ENCRYPTED Content-Domain: RFC822 DEK-Info: DES-CBC,F8143EDE5960C597 Originator-ID-Symmetric:,, Recipient-ID-Symmetric:,ptf-kmc,3 Key-Info: DES-ECB,RSA-MD2,9FD3AAD2F2691B9A, B70665BB9BF7CBCDA60195DB94F727D3 Recipient-ID-Symmetric:,ptf-kmc,4 Key-Info: DES-ECB,RSA-MD2,161A3F75DC82EF26, E2EF532C65CBCFF79F83A2658132DB47 LLrHB0eJzyhP+/fSStdW8okeEnv47jxe7SJ/iN72ohNcUk2jHEUSoH1nvNSIWL9M 8tEjmF/zxB+bATMtPjCUWbz8Lr9wloXIkjHUlBLpvXR0UrUzYbkNpk0agV2IzUpk J6UiRRGcDSvzrsoK+oNvqu6z7Xs5Xfz5rDqUcMlK1Z6720dcBWGGsDLpTpSCnpot dXd/H5LMDWnonNvPCwQUHt== -----END PRIVACY-ENHANCED MESSAGE-----
Public Key Cryptography Standard(PKCS)
There are a lot of PKCS #X standards, maybe the most common one is RSA keys since you
may have seen it quite often(something like server.key
) when updating a website's certificate.
PKCS8 in usually used as syntax of unencrypted RSA private key,
you can simply generate a RSA key via openssl:
nix-shell -p openssl [nix-shell:/tmp]$ openssl genpkey -algorithm rsa -out test.key [nix-shell:/tmp]$ cat test.key -----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY----- MIIEvwIBADANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAASCBKkwggSlAgEAAoIBAQC6LU2ZNdy32+HL ... c581/XSSIu1kZpptICNGM4MiDJyGoysNX7417wXgwr8YEb6fbMAMGjjYKbF9BlpY yRdkNiEmIKL4/ZQoTLdyQR4vJQ== -----END PRIVATE KEY-----
[nix-shell:/tmp]$ openssl rsa -in test.key -noout -text RSA Private-Key: (2048 bit, 2 primes) modulus: 00:e9:6a:68:ab:7b:73:f0:14:72:24:e5:35:f1:c2: ... publicExponent: 65537 (0x10001) privateExponent: 00:c0:6f:a1:11:d7:ba:f2:f0:f8:56:20:be:c3:ad: ... prime1: 00:fb:d7:d5:fd:2c:b5:b2:cd:92:b0:ea:60:83:29: ... prime2: ... exponent1: 00:e5:8f:16:15:92:9d:85:00:71:c8:25:bc:17:92: ... exponent2: 3e:6e:01:ad:b7:63:36:96:90:f9:ed:38:c4:10:bf: ... coefficient: 00:89:e1:69:2b:78:97:a9:91:88:39:7a:75:08:f0: ...
The output is readable text but the original PKCS8 is in Abstract Syntax Notation One(ASN.1) syntax and DER encoded.
Private key is kind of too long as example, lets use public key to explain.
RSA Public key can be generate from private key:
[nix-shell:/tmp]$ openssl rsa -in test.key -outform PEM -pubout writing RSA key -----BEGIN PUBLIC KEY----- MIIBIjANBgkqhkiG9w0BAQEFAAOCAQ8AMIIBCgKCAQEA6Wpoq3tz8BRyJOU18cJK D+4lVGBz94lpRLfAAK3mjEWbIbeQ/uElnyGbq0Fe+XRMBdVpI5B5PQbM8kf6sNYv n7BM+dRVq1LuRGmxjL/i+CW7VRWiIZxHWNF/eCaqn3j2hij81NK22m13eFMSOELo 76G6TDtEbv5rqJdhrJw6BlCbslHXNr4rT+q0R2ajricbY/xig/bz6mOetjgxoL6X WiuJibtAYqGa7+iQse1icFz3SWCwwZjYE46uW1rUI7iyugRBhdVMiypPDj00wdak 77NiaiFw91Vl1EfZo09b8ztcSjBKWeE0tte8Iy5+AhKsC59/hE2wIFj5TnxVE4JC kwIDAQAB -----END PUBLIC KEY-----
The output of the public key is in PKCS1 in ASN.1 syntax DER encoded in PEM format.
PKCS1 represent RSA public key ASN.1 as
RSAPublicKey: RSAPublicKey ::= SEQUENCE { modulus INTEGER, -- n publicExponent INTEGER -- e }
You can read the same information as ASN.1 from
[nix-shell:/tmp]$ openssl rsa -in test.key -pubout -out test.pem [nix-shell:/tmp]$ openssl rsa -in test.pem -pubin -noout -text RSA Public-Key: (2048 bit) Modulus: 00:e9:6a:68:ab:7b:73:f0:14:72:24:e5:35:f1:c2: 4a:0f:ee:25:54:60:73:f7:89:69:44:b7:c0:00:ad: e6:8c:45:9b:21:b7:90:fe:e1:25:9f:21:9b:ab:41: 5e:f9:74:4c:05:d5:69:23:90:79:3d:06:cc:f2:47: fa:b0:d6:2f:9f:b0:4c:f9:d4:55:ab:52:ee:44:69: b1:8c:bf:e2:f8:25:bb:55:15:a2:21:9c:47:58:d1: 7f:78:26:aa:9f:78:f6:86:28:fc:d4:d2:b6:da:6d: 77:78:53:12:38:42:e8:ef:a1:ba:4c:3b:44:6e:fe: 6b:a8:97:61:ac:9c:3a:06:50:9b:b2:51:d7:36:be: 2b:4f:ea:b4:47:66:a3:ae:27:1b:63:fc:62:83:f6: f3:ea:63:9e:b6:38:31:a0:be:97:5a:2b:89:89:bb: 40:62:a1:9a:ef:e8:90:b1:ed:62:70:5c:f7:49:60: b0:c1:98:d8:13:8e:ae:5b:5a:d4:23:b8:b2:ba:04: 41:85:d5:4c:8b:2a:4f:0e:3d:34:c1:d6:a4:ef:b3: 62:6a:21:70:f7:55:65:d4:47:d9:a3:4f:5b:f3:3b: 5c:4a:30:4a:59:e1:34:b6:d7:bc:23:2e:7e:02:12: ac:0b:9f:7f:84:4d:b0:20:58:f9:4e:7c:55:13:82: 42:93 Exponent: 65537 (0x10001)
So far all these PKCS are UNENCRYPTED, they are just encoded in certain format.
There is a common standard for store and exchange certs and keys that is encypted - PKCS #12 Personal Information Exchange Syntax aka PFX This is the common format when you get a new cert.
JSON Web Token(JWT)
JSON Web Token (JWT) is a compact, URL-safe means of representing claims to be transferred between two parties
JWT is either a JWS or JWE
JSON Web Signature (JWS)
is commonly used in OIDC
as id_token
and sometimes access_token
The message is NOT ENCTYPTED, so anyone can actually see the claims in the JSON.
BASE64URL(UTF8(JWS Protected Header)) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWS Payload) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWS Signature)
A example of JWS:(with line breaks for display purposes only):
eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLA0KICJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9 . eyJpc3MiOiJqb2UiLA0KICJleHAiOjEzMDA4MTkzODAsDQogImh0dHA6Ly9leGFt cGxlLmNvbS9pc19yb290Ijp0cnVlfQ . dBjftJeZ4CVP-mB92K27uhbUJU1p1r_wW1gFWFOEjXk
JWS Signature basically is MAC, of header || payload
JSON Web Encryption (JWE)
As the name indicate JWE can be use to encrypt messages, JWE is in the following format, where Ciphertext is the encrypted message.
BASE64URL(UTF8(JWE Protected Header)) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWE Encrypted Key) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWE Initialization Vector) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWE Ciphertext) || '.' || BASE64URL(JWE Authentication Tag)
example:(with line breaks for display purposes only)
eyJhbGciOiJSU0EtT0FFUCIsImVuYyI6IkEyNTZHQ00ifQ. OKOawDo13gRp2ojaHV7LFpZcgV7T6DVZKTyKOMTYUmKoTCVJRgckCL9kiMT03JGe ipsEdY3mx_etLbbWSrFr05kLzcSr4qKAq7YN7e9jwQRb23nfa6c9d-StnImGyFDb Sv04uVuxIp5Zms1gNxKKK2Da14B8S4rzVRltdYwam_lDp5XnZAYpQdb76FdIKLaV mqgfwX7XWRxv2322i-vDxRfqNzo_tETKzpVLzfiwQyeyPGLBIO56YJ7eObdv0je8 1860ppamavo35UgoRdbYaBcoh9QcfylQr66oc6vFWXRcZ_ZT2LawVCWTIy3brGPi 6UklfCpIMfIjf7iGdXKHzg. 48V1_ALb6US04U3b. 5eym8TW_c8SuK0ltJ3rpYIzOeDQz7TALvtu6UG9oMo4vpzs9tX_EFShS8iB7j6ji SdiwkIr3ajwQzaBtQD_A. XFBoMYUZodetZdvTiFvSkQ
Hash Function
Hash function can map bytes to another ONE WAY only but not the other way around. Common hash functions are SHA2, SHA3, MD5, Blake2… Modern hash functions such as SHA2, SHA3, Blake2 are consider secure hash functions. Old funtions such as MD5 and SHA1 are not secure since collisions found, and should avoid using them.
Hash functions are commonly used to proof the content not tampered, for example if you download an executable file form internet, you should compare the hash provided by the site and the one caclulated locally. Collisions found will indicate the function is not secure anymore, for example if someone hijack the content and replace with another malware which can calculate to the same hash.
ghci> import Crypto.Hash ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA1 2aae6c35c94fcfb415dbe95f408b9ce91ee846ed ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest MD5 5eb63bbbe01eeed093cb22bb8f5acdc3 ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA256 b94d27b9934d3e08a52e52d7da7dabfac484efe37a5380ee9088f7ace2efcde9 ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA3_256 644bcc7e564373040999aac89e7622f3ca71fba1d972fd94a31c3bfbf24e3938 ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest Blake2s_256 9aec6806794561107e594b1f6a8a6b0c92a0cba9acf5e5e93cca06f781813b0b ghci> hash ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest Blake2b_256 256c83b297114d201b30179f3f0ef0cace9783622da5974326b436178aeef610
The number 256
in SHA and Blake indicates the output bits length, usually more bits means higher collisions resistance.
Hashing is NOT encryption!!! DO NOT store hash of password in database. Although hash function is not reversible, if I have a large enough dictionary, I can definitly tell from database the password
ishello world
There is example of Blake2b of "abc" and C implementation in rfc7693
Message Authentication Code(MAC)
MAC is basically a hash function + key.
For example HMAC SHA256 is HMAC scramble the message with a key and hash with SHA256.
ghci> import Crypto.MAC.HMAC ghci> import Crypto.Hash ghci> hmacGetDigest $ hmac ("secret key"::ByteString) ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest SHA256 c61b5198df58639edb9892514756b89a36856d826e5d85023ab181b48ea5d018 ghci> hmacGetDigest $ hmac ("secret key"::ByteString) ("hello world"::ByteString) :: Digest Blake2b_256 198e317eba56eee5056b88f527c895d6235ace9153fdf6467e38c2758073328c
The scramble part is defined in rfc2104
, H
is hash function e.g. SHA256, K
is secret key and ,
is concat
ipad = the byte 0x36 repeated B times opad = the byte 0x5C repeated B times H(K XOR opad, H(K XOR ipad, text))
MAC can be used in senario like:
- Exchange private message, append a MAC of the message to proof it is not tampered, very similar to usage of hash function, but hash function is mainly use for public messages, for example a file from public website that everyone can download.
- Pseudo Random Generator(PRG),
HMAC(salt, seed)
generate a pretty random enough key can be used in KDF
Poly1305 is fast MAC
Key Derivation Function(KDF)
KDF is a function generates pseudo random key from password. Password is something we usually used to encrypt a file, or login to a website, because it is easy to remember or note for human, but not random enough to use directly as key to encrypt, and not secure to store in database.
You can think of KDF as just MAC, but run many iterations and consume some CPU and RAM.
Password Based Key Derivation Function (PBKDF2)
The following example of PBKDF using HMAC SHA256, iterate 1000 times, and output length 32 bytes.
ghci> import Crypto.KDF.PBKDF2 ghci> generate (prfHMAC SHA256 :: PRF ByteString) (Parameters {iterCounts = 1000, outputLength = 32}) ("password":: ByteString) ("salt"::ByteString) :: ByteString "c,(\DC2\228mF\EOT\DLE+\167a\142\157m}/\129(\246&kJ\ETX&M*\EOT`\183\220\179"
The output is 32 bytes length pseudo random bytestring, we can output hex format with base16 encoding
ghci> convertToBase Base16 $ (generate (prfHMAC SHA256 :: PRF ByteString) (Parameters {iterCounts = 1000, outputLength = 32}) ("password":: ByteString) ("salt"::ByteString) :: ByteString) :: ByteString "632c2812e46d4604102ba7618e9d6d7d2f8128f6266b4a03264d2a0460b7dcb3"
It is secure to store parameters( salt, iterations count, output length), together with the output bytes in database, in senario such as login, a server can run the same function again with the salt, iterations and length from the record, and compare the output bytes with the one stored in the database.
Since PBKDF2 hash each password with HMAC and a random salt many iterations, it is resistanct to dictionary attacks .
PBKDF2 is a common KDF but it is consider less secure than modern KDF such as Scrypt, Argon2.
The following is a example of deriving 32 bytes length key in 1024 iterations, block size 8 and parallel 2 using Scrypt .
ghci> import Crypto.KDF.Scrypt ghci> generate (Parameters {n=1024,r=8,p=2,outputLength=32}) ("password":: ByteString) ("salt"::ByteString) ::ByteString "\ETBeHl\244\197Y\DEL\181\&0\141\SYN\185\151\148\215\211\160\189.\148d\185\172\177\202\&2\ETX\SUB\133\223\237"
HMAC-based Extract-and-Expand Key Derivation Function (HKDF)
Example of HKDF :
ghci> import Crypto.KDF.HKDF ghci> import Crypto.Hash (SHA256) ghci> let pkr = extract ("salt" :: ByteString) ("secret" :: ByteString) :: PRK SHA256 ghci| in expand pkr ("payload" :: ByteString) 32 :: ByteString "\DC4\147\223\v%\175\f\177\143\132\202\142\233\236\135\153\253\CANs\213wh\149\193\128\240\192t\DC1\UST,"
Symmetric Ciphers
Symmetric ciphers is very straightforward to use, encryption and decryption is based on the same key.
Basically symmetric encryption use a Pseudo Random Key(PRK) xor the message. The
Counter Mode(CTR)
AES requires a initial vector(IV), aka nonce. The following is a example of AES 256 CTR mode with a random 256-bit key and 0 as IV:
In practice key should derive key from password with a secure KDF, and iv should be a random number.
ghci> import Crypto.Random ghci> import Crypto.Cipher.Types ghci> import Crypto.Cipher.AES (AES256) ghci> import Crypto.Error ghci> do ghci| cipher <- (getRandomBytes 32 :: IO ByteString) >>= (throwCryptoErrorIO . cipherInit) :: IO AES256 ghci| return $ ctrCombine cipher nullIV ("message"::ByteString) ghci| "\208\207\SI\191\206\DELN"
Galois/Counter Mode Synthetic Initialization Vector (GCM-SIV)
CTR is good enough for common encryption case, while GCM -SIV added Authenticated Encryption with Additional Data (AEAD) , and SIV to nonce misuse-resistant.
AEAD basically bind extra data, or context to cipher text and generate a MAC, aka authentication tag, to be able to verify cipher text's integrity(not tampered), and authenticity(not cut-and-paste).
The following is example of AES-GCM-SIV encryption of "message" with additional data "context" and a nonce.
ghci> import Crypto.Cipher.AESGCMSIV ghci> do ghci| key :: ByteString <- getRandomBytes 32 ghci| nonce <- generateNonce ghci| throwCryptoErrorIO $ do ghci| aes :: AES256 <- cipherInit key ghci| return $ encrypt aes nonce ("context" :: ByteString) ("message" :: ByteString) ghci| (AuthTag {unAuthTag = "\239|\229V\USNT3\ACKf\NAK\STXC\251\134\FS"},"\149\229\142SW\209Z")
ChaCha20 is high speed stream cipher, a vairant of Salsa20, usually combine with Poly1305 as AEAD construction.
ChaCha20-Poly1305 requires very similar inputs to AES:
- a 32 bytes (256-bit) key, can derive key from password with a secure KDF
- a 12 bytes (96-bit) nonce aka IV
There are more steps to encrypt a message due to it is stream cipher aka state cipher, which is different from block cipher such as AES, block cipher generate fixed length key to encrypt fixed length message, while stream cipher can produce state to generate keystream for next chunk of data.
- AEAD need to add and finalize before encrypt, and cannot modify later on
- encrypt can call multiple times based on current state
- finalise a state will generate auth tag
ghci> import Crypto.Error ghci> import Crypto.Cipher.ChaChaPoly1305 ghci| do ghci| key <- getRandomBytes 32 :: IO ByteString ghci| nonce <- getRandomBytes 12 :: IO ByteString ghci| throwCryptoErrorIO $ do ghci| st1 <- nonce12 nonce >>= initialize key ghci| let ghci| st2 = finalizeAAD $ appendAAD ("context":: ByteString) st1 ghci| (out, st3) = encrypt ("message":: ByteString) st2 ghci| auth = finalize st3 ghci| return $ (convertToBase Base16 out :: ByteString, convertToBase Base16 auth :: ByteString) ("f0dd593fb3cac0","4a29dd7ae8b51ac748b37092ed485e88")
Asymmetric Ciphers
Asymmetric ciphers aka public key cryptography, is more complex than symmetric(in term of usage not cipher implementation), because instead of using the same key to encrypt and decrypt, asymmetric needs public and private key pair.
Common scenarios of asymmetric ciphers are:
- Encrypt data by public key and decrypt by private key
- Sign message(MAC) by private key and verify by public key
- Exchange key between 2 parties publicly
Key Exchange
Key exchange usually happen when two parties want to establish a secure connection on a public channel, for example TLS Handshake.
- Client and Server each has a key pair, only client has access to the private key
- Server has a key pair, only server has access to the private key
- (Client private key * Base) * Server public key = shared key = Client public key (Base * Server Private key)
Where private * base = public key
is a math irreversible operation that is associative, e.g. exponent of huge number
Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC)
Compared to RSA, ECC offers equivalent security with smaller key sizes(in bits).
Symmetric | ECC | DH/DSA/ |
80 | 163 | 1024 |
112 | 233 | 2048 |
128 | 283 | 3072 |
192 | 409 | 7680 |
256 | 571 | 15360 |
Elliptic Curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH)
ECDH process is very simple:
choose a curve, there are a lot of curves available.
ghci> :info CurveName type CurveName :: * data CurveName = SEC_p112r1 | SEC_p112r2 | SEC_p128r1 ...
- Alice generate a private key
- Bob generate a private key
- Alice's private key * Base point * Bob's public key = share key = Alice's public key * Base point * Bob's private key
ghci> import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.DH ghci> import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Types ghci> let curve = getCurveByName SEC_p384r1 ghci> do ghci| alicePrivateKey <- generatePrivate curve ghci| let alicePublicKey = calculatePublic curve alicePrivateKey ghci| bobPrivateKey <- generatePrivate curve ghci| let bobPublicKey = calculatePublic curve bobPrivateKey ghci| let aliceSharedKey = getShared curve alicePrivateKey bobPublicKey ghci| let bobSharedKey = getShared curve bobPrivateKey alicePublicKey ghci| return (aliceSharedKey == bobSharedKey) ghci| True
Another popular curve is Curve25519, which is 128-bit level, Curve448 is 256-bit level security.
do alicePrivateKey <- generateSecretKey let alicePublicKey = toPublic alicePrivateKey bobPrivateKey <- generateSecretKey let bobPublicKey = toPublic bobPrivateKey let aliceSharedKey = dh bobPublicKey alicePrivateKey let bobSharedKey = dh alicePublicKey bobPrivateKey return (aliceSharedKey == bobSharedKey)
Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)
ECDSA won't encrypt the message, but just generate signature from sender's private key.
The following example is how Alice sign the message with ECDSA on Curve25519 with her private key, and Bob can verify the message is from Alice public key.
ghci> import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.ECDSA ghci> import Crypto.PubKey.ECC.Generate ghci> import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms ghci> do ghci| (alicePublicKey, alicePrivateKey) <- generate curve ghci| toBob <- sign alicePrivateKey SHA256 ("message to Bob"::ByteString) ghci| return $ verify SHA256 alicePublicKey toBob ("message to Bob"::ByteString) ghci| True
Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA)
Usage of EdDSA is basically the same as ECDSA, but on another curve edwards25519 or edwards448
RSA is the most popular public key crypto, the following is a example of digital sign message with 2048-bit RSA key, in RSASSA-PKCS1-v1_5 scheme SHA256:
ghci> import Crypto.PubKey.RSA ghci> import Crypto.PubKey.RSA.PKCS15 ghci> import Crypto.Hash.Algorithms ghci> (publicKey, privateKey) <- generate 256 65537 ghci> sign Nothing (Just SHA256) privateKey ("to Bob"::ByteString) Right "=\161\243j\STX]\251g=\234\GSx>\159\248\128#\DEL\235\188\240\221U\232{\176\DLE\231\210\229z2\SI\212\212\216\235\239bO\205&t\248\SOH\249K.\191R\169\175#\183\f\239\141\142\201\144\&0\174[\ESC\228T`\136\239\221\EOT\214\235\&8\NAK\255\245l\148\228?\FS\254N'pO\221\"n'\249<\242\RS\146\DELl\210\157~[\254)\SYN@\249\232\ENQs\RSl\177u\213\207\239\129\159\ETX&\141\DC13\243\250\232\187\222\DLEF\207\222\231\EM\186M\245Hv\238\n\ACK\SOw\254\196\173&\209N\245\217\&4m\234\161l\158\173\225;\SYN\187\217\v\r\199\b\193\v\167{Dk\234\194\174\133\150@\148\DEL\190\193\141\DC1\140S\141\GS\135\n\161)\253\179\241\199\230k<G\135\158\225\DC2?h\211\240#;\183\192\182\168eS\\\195V\135mZ\rA\173\197\139\193\135\174\233\138&r\SIK\197\156\r\a\DELV\ETX\218\FS\188d\NAKw\222\252\ESC\SO"
actually Haskell is chosen because I learnt most of the content in this article while implementing age
in Haskell for my new experimental project PR welcome btw :)
This is the common format when you get a new cert.