Type-Driven Development with PureScript
Type-Driven Development with Idris is a good book, but it's not actually very practical in industry.
In industry, Scala is wild adopted as Functional Programming language because it can benefit from both Scala community and Java community.
On the other hand, PureScript is more likely the best language in front-end that play the duel role of Scala in back-end, because it can benefit from both PureScript community and JavaScript community.
Further more PureScript supports Typed Holes, which is an powerful feature that you can Type-Driven your application.
Let us start from Type and drive an simple Todo MVC app.
There are 3 steps in Type-Driven Development.
- Type: Either write a type to begin the process, or inspect the type of a hole to
decide how to continue the process.
- Define: Create the structure of a function definition either by creating an out-
line of a definition or breaking it down into smaller components.
- Refine: Improve an existing definition either by filling in a hole or making its
type more precise.
curl https://nixos.org/nix/install | sh nix-shell yarn bower i
Please keep following command handy:
- Compile and watch purescript
yarn purs-build-w
- Link PureScript output file(Only need to do this once)
yarn purs-link
- Start PureSCript IDE Server
yarn purs-ied
- Start Dev server and compile JSX files
yarn start
User should be able to view a list of Todos
To model the problem accurately, we need to know what behavior of Todo app would expected.
Assuming we already have our restful back end developed.
If you visit: https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/
It returns data in such JSON format:
"userId": 1,
"id": 1,
"title": "delectus aut autem",
"completed": false
"userId": 1,
"id": 2,
"title": "quis ut nam facilis et officia qui",
"completed": false
Ok, so this will clearly be the Data Type we need.
module Data.Todo where
type Todo = {
userId:: Int,
id:: Int,
title:: String,
completed:: Boolean
type Todos = Array Todo
To initiating the behavior, the data need to be load from remote server at the first place.
Since all JavaScript request will be async, Effect.Aff
would be the best type to describe
such behavior. I supposed we need to specify a Path
so that we know where to load the data
module Behavior.Load where
import Effect.Aff
import Data.Todo
import Prelude
type Path = String
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
Here is the type we need that can describe our behavior very accurate:
providing the Path
, we should able to get an Asynchronous Effect that eventually has value of Array
of Todo
Now we have a decent type, let us "Define" it, by pressing C-c C-a
module Behavior.Load where
import Effect.Aff
import Data.Todo
import Prelude
type Path = String
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
load _ = ?load
Oh, compiler generate an function definition for us, let us hover the cursor on that question mark ?load
Hole 'load' has the inferred type Aff (Array { completed :: Boolean , id :: Int , title :: String , userId :: Int } ) You could substitute the hole with one of these values: Control.Plus.empty :: forall a f. Plus f => f a Data.Monoid.mempty :: forall m. Monoid m => m Effect.Aff.never :: forall a. Aff a in value declaration load [HoleInferredType]
Mmm…very clear, compiler is guessing the implementation could be one of:
But which one should I use?
Let's try all of them, replace ?load
with empty
module Behavior.Load where
import Effect.Aff
import Data.Todo
import Prelude
type Path = String
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
load _ = empty
C-c C-i
editor will ask you which Module to import from? Tell it Control.Plus
module Behavior.Load where
import Data.Todo
import Effect.Aff
import Prelude
import Control.Plus (empty)
type Path = String
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
load _ = empty
Oh my… it compiled. We just did it.
TODO But Why?
Why Control.Plus.empty
Actually all of them work.
So, if we run it, what will happen?
> runAff_ (\x -> log (show x)) $ load "asdf" (Left Error: Always fails at Object.exports.error (/home/jcouyang/Documents/blog/org/purescript/type-driven-development-with-purescript/.psci_modules/node_modules/Effect.Exception/foreign.js:8:10) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/jcouyang/Documents/blog/org/purescript/type-driven-development-with-purescript/.psci_modules/node_modules/Effect.Aff/index.js:417:73) at Module._compile (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:776:30) at Object.Module._extensions..js (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:787:10) at Module.load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:653:32) at tryModuleLoad (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:593:12) at Function.Module._load (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:585:3) at Module.require (internal/modules/cjs/loader.js:690:17) at require (internal/modules/cjs/helpers.js:25:18) at Object.<anonymous> (/home/jcouyang/Documents/blog/org/purescript/type-driven-development-with-purescript/.psci_modules/node_modules/Behavior.Load/index.js:3:18)) unit
Ok, it resolve as Left Error
Seems we did not finish yet, we probably should be more specific about what should we do in defination
load path = ajax path
There are lot of implementation of making Ajax call for PureScript like Affjax, but I like to show how easy to make your own one by PureScript's FFI.
A little bit JavaScript to call window.fetch
, to make it FFI, we need to name it the same Behavior.Load.js
function get(url) {
return function(onError, onSuccess) {
return res.text()
return function(cancelError, cancelerError, cancelerSuccess) {
exports._get = get
Now you can foreign import
the get
function from JavaScript
import Effect.Aff.Compat (EffectFnAff(..))
foreign import _get :: Path -> EffectFnAff String
So the _get
function can take a Path
and return EffectFnAff String
But String
is not he value we need, what we need is Todos
Then another layer of abstraction to provide us the domain type is needed.
Just call it ajaxGet
for now.
import Data.Either (Either)
import Simple.JSON (class ReadForeign)
ajaxGet :: forall a. ReadForeign a => Path -> Aff (Either Error a)
ajaxGet _ = ?ajaxGet
Type of ajaxGet
can read as "given type a
which has instance of ReadForeign a
input a Path
and it can return an Aff
of Either Error a
C-c C-a
compiler will define ajaxGet _ = ?ajaxGet
Move cursor to ?ajaxGet
Hole 'ajaxGet' has the inferred type Aff (Either Error a0) You could substitute the hole with one of these values: Control.Plus.empty :: forall a f. Plus f => f a Effect.Aff.never :: forall a. Aff a in value declaration ajaxGet where a0 is a rigid type variable bound at (line 0, column 0 - line 0, column 0) [HoleInferredType]
Hmm, clearly we don't want an empty, look what we have currently
_get :: Path -> EffectFnAff String -- FFI
fromEffectFnAff :: forall a. EffectFnAff a -> Aff a -- from Effect.Aff.Compat
readJSON :: forall a. ReadForeign a => String -> Either MultipleErrors a -- from Simple.JSON
It's like solve puzzles, return type of _get
match fromEffectFnAff
input type. Let us we compose, see what we got
ajaxGet :: forall a. ReadForeign a => Path -> Aff (Either Error a)
ajaxGet path = ?toJSON $ fromEffectFnAff (_get path)
Move cursor to ?toJSON
see what we need to put in here now.
Hole 'toJson' has the inferred type Aff String -> Aff (Either Error a0)
Great, we have
readJSON :: forall a. ReadForeign a => String -> Either MultipleErrors a
which is pretty similar though…
How can we get rid of the high kind Aff
If we lift String -> Either Error a
to Aff level, we should able to get Aff String -> Aff (Either Error a)
That is exactly <>
does, put a <>
around $
and it will lift the left hand side
ajaxGet :: forall a. ReadForeign a => Path -> Aff (Either Error a)
ajaxGet path = ?toJSON <$> fromEffectFnAff (_get path)
Now compiler says:
Hole 'toJson' has the inferred type String -> Either Error a0
So close, now just need Either MutipleErrors a -> Either Error a
, isn't that exactly type signature of lmap
ajaxGet path = (lmap ?adaptError <<< parseJSON )<$> fromEffectFnAff (_get path)
parseJSON :: String -> Either MultipleErrors a
parseJSON = readJSON
Hole 'adaptError' has the inferred type NonEmptyList ForeignError -> Error
Seems to be a very easy function to implement, finally!
ajaxGet path = (lmap adaptError <<< parseJSON )<$> fromEffectFnAff (_get path)
parseJSON :: String -> Either MultipleErrors a
parseJSON = readJSON
adaptError :: MultipleErrors -> Error
adaptError = error <<< show
Without single line of test, and run time red-green. We just follow the compiler's hint, compose different pieces of type together and then form the type that just fit our domain problem. And the most amazing part is even without unit tested, I'm very confident that compiler already proven type is work, the code driven from type should be working fine too.
However, I'm not saying we should not write any unit test, the part FFI calling the JavaScript function can not be proven by compiler that it is working.
Now that we have ajaxGet
, we can replace empty
in load
the real ajax call function.
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
load path = do
resp <- ?ajaxGetTodos path
?doSomethingAbout resp
Hole 'ajaxGetTodos' has the inferred type String -> Aff t0
That is ajaxGet
, let us put that in
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
load path = do
resp <- ajaxGetTodos path
?doSomethingAbout resp
ajaxGetTodos :: Path -> Aff (Either Error (Array Todo))
ajaxGetTodos = ajaxGet
Now what is ?doSomethingAbout
Hole 'doSomethingAbout' has the inferred type Either Error (Array { completed :: Boolean , id :: Int , title :: String , userId :: Int } ) -> Aff (Array { completed :: Boolean , id :: Int , title :: String , userId :: Int } )
I think we need a liftEither :: forall a. Either Error a -> Aff a
let us define it
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
load path = do
resp <- ajaxGetTodos path
liftEither resp
ajaxGetTodos :: Path -> Aff (Either Error (Array Todo))
ajaxGetTodos = ajaxGet
liftEither :: forall a. Either Error a -> Aff a
liftEither _ = ?liftEither
C-c C-c
on _
, compiler will prompt you what type you what to split.
Tell it Either
liftEither :: forall a. Either Error a -> Aff a
liftEither (Left _) = ?liftEither
liftEither (Right _) = ?liftEither
Now it's all clear, ?liftEither
is Aff a
liftEither :: forall a. Either Error a -> Aff a
liftEither (Left e) = throwError e
liftEither (Right v) = pure v
All feature of load
function is done since compiler is very
happy about it. But, we never rich the Refine yet.
TODO Refine
One thing that is able to refine is liftEither
, maybe this
is not the best time to refine, since only one place is using it.
But it seems like it should be a typeclass not just a scoped function.
Because it looks very generic.
class MonadAff m <= MonadEither m where
liftEither :: Either Error ~> m
instance monadEitherAff :: MonadEither Aff where
liftEither (Left e) = throwError e
liftEither (Right v) = pure v
Final Version
module Behavior.Load where
import Data.Todo
import Effect.Aff
import Prelude
import Data.Bifunctor (lmap)
import Data.Either (Either(..))
import Effect.Aff.Class (class MonadAff)
import Effect.Aff.Compat (EffectFnAff(..), fromEffectFnAff)
import Foreign (MultipleErrors)
import Simple.JSON (class ReadForeign, readJSON)
type Path = String
foreign import _get :: Path -> EffectFnAff String
ajaxGet :: forall a. ReadForeign a => Path -> Aff (Either Error a)
ajaxGet path = (lmap adaptError <<< parseJSON ) <$> fromEffectFnAff (_get path)
parseJSON :: String -> Either MultipleErrors a
parseJSON = readJSON
adaptError :: MultipleErrors -> Error
adaptError = error <<< show
load :: Path -> Aff (Array Todo)
load path = do
resp <- ajaxGetTodos path
liftEither resp
ajaxGetTodos :: Path -> Aff (Either Error (Array Todo))
ajaxGetTodos = ajaxGet
type State = {
todos:: Todos
reloadPage :: State -> Aff State
reloadPage _ = do
entities <- load("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos")
pure {todos: entities}
class MonadAff m <= MonadEither m where
liftEither :: Either Error ~> m
instance monadEitherAff :: MonadEither Aff where
liftEither (Left e) = throwError e
liftEither (Right v) = pure v
User should be able to add new todo into list
New story, similarly let us create a new file src/Behavior.Add.purs
module Behavior.Add where
addTodo :: Todo -> State -> Aff State
C-c C-a
addTodo :: Todo -> State -> Aff State
addTodo _ _ = ?addTodo
What should we do first? post it to the server? Let us find out.
addTodo todo state = do
status <- ?ajaxPost "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos" todo
purs ?whatnext
ajaxPost :: forall a. Path -> a -> Aff Int
ajaxPost _ _ = ?ajaxPost
is very similar to ajaxGet
we rely on js to actually send out the ajax request
foreign import _post :: Path -> String -> EffectFnAff Int
ajaxPost :: forall a. Path -> a -> Aff Int
ajaxPost path body = fromEffectFnAff (_post path $ ?toJSON body)
Hole 'toJSON' has the inferred type a0 -> String
Clearly it should be writeJSON
from simple-json, but if you don't know what to put in there
try https://pursuit.purescript.org/search?q=a+-%3E+String
writeJSON :: forall a. WriteForeign a => a -> String
Hmm, a need to have Typeclass WriteForeign a
instance. Again, don't worry
the compile will give you the hint if you did not add the TypeClass bound
No type class instance was found for Simple.JSON.WriteForeign a1
All set!
ajaxPost :: forall a. WriteForeign a => Path -> a -> Aff Int
ajaxPost path body = fromEffectFnAff (_post path $ writeJSON body)
Now hover back to ?ajaxPost
in addTodo
see what happen.
addTodo todo state = do
status <- ?ajaxPost "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos" todo
pure ?whatnext
Hole 'ajaxPost' has the inferred type String -> { completed :: Boolean , id :: Int , title :: String , userId :: Int } -> Aff Int You could substitute the hole with one of these values: Behavior.Add.ajaxPost :: forall a. WriteForeign a => String -> a -> Aff Int Data.Variant.Internal.impossible :: forall a. String -> a Partial.Unsafe.unsafeCrashWith :: forall a. String -> a Record.Unsafe.unsafeGet :: forall r a. String -> Record r -> a Unsafe.Coerce.unsafeCoerce :: forall a b. a -> b
Awesome, compile say you could substitute it with Behavior.Add.ajaxPost
Simply remove the ?
addTodo todo state = do
status <- ajaxPost "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos" todo
pure ?whatnext
What next?
Hole 'whatnext' has the inferred type { todos :: Array { completed :: Boolean , id :: Int , title :: String , userId :: Int } }
Now we are clear, we can put an State
there, but what exactly?
Recall our story, it is to post the todo, and based on the response of the request, we can do different things.
addTodo todo state = do
status <- ajaxPost "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos" todo
case status of
201 -> pure ?success
_ -> pure ?fail
Of cause ?fail
should do nothing, or add some error indicator in State
but we do not have that yet, so put it the same for now. Meanwhile what
should put into ?success
For user, the first todo should be updated to the one just added.
addTodo :: Todo -> State -> Aff State
addTodo todo state = do
status <- ajaxPost "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos" todo
case status of
201 -> pure $ state {todos = todo : state.todos}
_ -> pure state
And.. do not forget implement the JavaScript FFI _post
function post(url) {
return function(body) {
return function(onError, onSuccess) {
window.fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: body
return res.status
return function(cancelError, cancelerError, cancelerSuccess) {
exports._post = post
The whole piece of Behavior.Add
module Behavior.Add where
import Data.Array
import Data.Todo
import Effect.Aff
import Prelude
import Effect.Aff.Compat (EffectFnAff(..), fromEffectFnAff)
import Simple.JSON (class WriteForeign, writeJSON)
addTodo :: Todo -> State -> Aff State
addTodo todo state = do
status <- ajaxPost "https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos" todo
case status of
201 -> pure $ state {todos = todo : state.todos}
_ -> pure state
foreign import _post :: Path -> String -> EffectFnAff Int
ajaxPost :: forall a. WriteForeign a => Path -> a -> Aff Int
ajaxPost path body = fromEffectFnAff (_post path $ writeJSON body)
Now you've got the idea, let us do the rest of the user stories and practice how to Type-Driven the implementation by thinking about Type first.
[ ]
user can filter todo by filter buttons[ ]
user can toggle todo and update to PUT https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/:id[ ]
user can edit todo item and update to PUT https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/:id[ ]
user can delete todo item and request DELETE https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/todos/:id